
Drafting of the Hydrological Plan of the hydrographic demarcation of Lanzarote for their approval in accordance with article 47 of the Legislative Decree 1/2000, of May 8, text consolidated in the law of territorial and natural spaces of Canary Islands

Island of Lanzarote, Spain

  • Contractor: Dirección General de Aguas, Gobierno de Canarias
  • Budget of the works: N/A
  • Year: 2015


Preparation of the Hydrological Plan of the hydrographic demarcation of Lanzarote, adapting the information available and elaborated by the Consejo Insular de Aguas de Lanzarote, in order to obtain a document that can be approved by the Gobierno de Canarias, in accordance with the provisions of the water framework directive and that feasible application of article 47 of the TRLOENEC suspending the current hydrological planning instrument and establishing substantive laws of management.